Our database contains more than 20,000 local businesses from different cities across Central Coast California. Every month we connect thousands of users from San Luis Obispo, Ojai, Morro Bay, Arroyo Grande and other cities with trusted local businesses in their area. We daily update california-local.com to provide the most accurate information about businesses in Central Coast California.
California Local in numbers
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Santa Maria is known for Santa Maria Valley wineries and Santa Maria-style barbecue, a local specialty.
Arroyo Grande is a city in San Luis Obispo County. It is a small coastal town with historic elements.
Set in a valley in the Topatopa Mountains, Ojai has a village-like center dotted with art galleries and New Age shops.
Pismo Beach is a city on California's Central Coast. It's known for its wineries and many beaches.
San Luis Obispo is a city in California’s Central Coast region. Founded in 1772 it is one of California's oldest European-founded communities.
Morro Bay is a coastal city in California. It's known for Morro Rock, an ancient volcanic mound at the end of Morro Rock Beach.